Spring’s sunny days are a welcome change after a long, dark winter. They inspire us to visualize all of the beautiful flowers and green leafy things that are about to start erupting. Before you jump right in to planning your summer garden and weekend bar-b-ques, take some time to give your home a spring glow up.
HGTV has The Ultimate Spring Home Maintenance Checklist available for download to get you started. Below is a more detailed guide with items grouped together that make sense to tackle at the same time you can use to ensure that your home is summer ready!
Group 1: Roof, Chimney, Attic
Examine your roof shingles. Shingles that are cracked, buckled, loose or missing need to be replaced. Have the flashing around plumbing vents, skylights and chimneys checked.
Check for loose or leaky gutters. Make sure downspouts drain away from the foundation and are clear and free of debris. Consider installing gutter screens or protectors to help keep debris out of the gutters.
Examine the exterior of the chimney for signs of damage. Have the flue cleaned and inspected.
Check your attic for proper ventilation and birds’ nests. Look for obstructions over vents, damaged soffit panels, roof flashing leaks and wet spots on insulation.
Group 2: Siding, Stucco, Brickwork
Inspect siding for cracked, warped, or rotting siding. If siding is severely faded or in need of frequent painting, it may be time for replacement. Bob Vila offers more information with these 7 Signs Your House Needs New Siding.
Inspect stucco for staining, cracks, and improper flashing. These are signs of moisture damage. Repair cracks and holes and keep water directed away from your stucco. Clean your walls after completing any necessary repairs.
Check bricks for spalling, which is a chipping or popping away of a brick’s face, and deteriorated mortar. If you see efflorescence, the white fuzzy looking deposits from soluble salts left when water evaporates, brush your brick in warm, dry weather to remove it. If you discover water penetration, seal the brick with an appropriate sealant.
Group 3: Wood Trim, Windows, and Doors
Use a screwdriver to probe the wood trim around windows, doors, railings and decks. If any of your trim or siding feels soft or has begun to rot or crumble, replace and repaint it. Plan to maintain color consistency by painting whole sections.
Open and close all of your windows. If they do not open easily and close tightly, check the weather stripping. Inspect windows and repair or replace glass panes and screens. Now is also the time to decide if your windows need to be replaced. Here are Seven Signs You Need to Replace Your Windows from Martha Stewart.
Check all of your exterior doors. Open the door completely so you can inspect the entire surrounding area. Be on the lookout for any signs of water stains or wood decay around the base and frame. Make sure all of your hardware is in good shape and working properly.
Group 4: Yard, Decks, Patios and Walkways
Inspect your yard for drainage issues. Look for puddling in your yard, in your driveway, and on walkways as snow melts or after a heavy rain. Keep an eye out for moving soil or areas that never seem to dry. Inspect around the exterior of your house. You may need to call in an expert who can reshape your yard to improve drainage and prevent damage.
Evaluate decks in the same way that you evaluated wood trim or siding and plan to make necessary repairs or replacements.
Check your concrete for cracks or signs of movement. All exterior slabs except pool decks should drain away from the home's foundation. Fill cracks with a concrete crack filler or silicone caulk and power-wash and seal your concrete.
Now, all you have left to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the sunny days ahead!